Solastalgia :: Environmental Distress Syndrome
Photoserie zur Visualisierung des Gefühls der Beobachtung, wie unberührte Natur oder Landschaften (der Heimat) zerstört oder durch Umwelteingriffe komplett verändert werden. (Schwerpunkt Studium)
Solastalgia (/ˌsɒləˈstældʒə/) is a neologism, formed by the combination of the Latin words sōlācium (comfort) and the Greek root -algia (pain, suffering, grief), that describes a form of emotional or existential distress caused by environmental change. It is best described as the lived experience of negatively perceived environmental change. A distinction can be made between solastalgia linked to distress about what is in the process of negatively perceived change and eco-anxiety linked to what may happen in the future (associated with "pre-traumatic stress", in reference to post-traumatic stress). (Academic publishings)